Monday, February 11, 2008

I'm back!

Well. I'm back in Georgia after spending a week and half in Seattle. I can't say it was a nice visit. It was very very hard, and so emotionally draining.

We flew into Seattle Thursday evening and were thrust immediately into getting Wendy's funeral planned. I took the bull by the horns and helped get it done. There was a lot to do. Obituaries to write and get in the papers, thank you cards to be written and sent (which I tried to get done as soon as things happened so noone got forgotten), purchasing burial clothes, putting together the program for the service, cleaning out her apartment, calling creditors and whomever closing accounts, and doing what I do best... making sure my family stayed fed. That was probably my favorite part - the feeding. We were able to sit down together as a family and just visit and comfort one another. I worried most about my parents, because I can not imagine what it must be like to lose a child who had so much potential. My heart breaks for them.

I mourn the life Wendy could have had.

This picture breaks my heart. This is my brother, Alan and his girlfriend the night of our family viewing. I know it seems morbid to photograph a funeral and someone's death, but I know these pictures will mean a lot to my family. I think we have all re-evaluated our lives and we have each mentioned things we want to do this year, personally, to improve ourselves.

So now that I'm back, I will be updating my blog more often. I have some great recipes to share with you. :) If you've emailed me about the cookie club, give me a week to get to you. Thank you!


  1. Oh, Suzanne, I am glad you're home, safe and sound. We've all been thinking about you every day.
    If you need anything, anything at all, you know where to find us. :)

  2. I'm so glad you are back!!! I don't KNOW how hard that must have been, but I can imagine. You sound in pretty good spirits, although I'm sure it takes just a lot of pushing through life right now. Keep pushing and know that we love you and think of you and your family often. Beautiful pictures!!!

  3. Suzanne, I am glad to hear that you got back home safely. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you continue with the emotional struggles of your loss. Keep up the good spirits, take care. Darleen

  4. So glad you are back. Although, the pain won't diminish entirely, Hopefully, the passing of time will soften the blow and heartache of what you endured. You will always remember the BEST of your sister! HUGS!!

    Love you, Hon!


  5. Dear Suzanne~
    Happy to hear you're home. Sounds like an exhausting time for you. You obviously were absolutely wonderful in such a hard situation. Good for you. How are the girls doing? Sending wishes for healing for you and your family. All the best,
    ~Natalie and Bethy

  6. I think the photos are beautiful and so was your sister.

  7. Thinking of you every day Suzanne.

  8. uzanne, I am so relieved to see you are back. We missed you tremendously and think of you each day. Our hearts are always with you. Stay well, friend


  9. Suzanne, I've been thinking of you and glad to see you are back and posting. Once again, I am so very sorry to hear about your sister. I hope you are doing well under the circumstances, and the girls and Jim as well.


  10. Just sending you a big hug Suzanne.


  11. Lots of (((hugs))) and prayers, Suzanne. I am so sorry.

  12. This is beautifully written... with such deep love and compassion.... I think the picture is VERY tasteful.. and thoughtful...
    Once again.. I am so sorry for your loss... You are brave and STRONG to get all that you did done...!!! You're an amazing sister!!

  13. Suzanne, the photos are not morbid at all. I'm glad you documented this and your family will appreciate it too. I'm so sorry you had to experience this loss. I'm glad to know you're home and I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. What a terrible experience to go through.

    About the pictures... I wanted to say that I think it's a good thing to have photographs of such an event. My husband's sister passed away very suddenly almost 2 years ago. She was in her early 20s. They have pictures from the funeral (nothing too morbid) and while they are very emotionally raw when you look at them, they are capturing an important even in the family and in some ways are comforting to the family to look back at.

    Hope your family is well!

  15. Suzanne, I'm just so sorry about your sister. It is so tragic. :(
