Saturday, April 26, 2008

.a great day.

Today has been a great day.
Hubby let me sleep in.
Woke up to two very happy girls who had been fed and loved on by their daddy.
Make some pink lemonade with Paige.
Surprised hubby with a refreshing glass of lemonade, and
Made cupcakes with Paige.

No matter what, she HAS to separate the eggs. She's pretty good at it too!

Mixing up the batter.

We forgot to put the sprinkles in the mix, so here she is putting them in each cup.

I frosted. She sprinkled.

Doesn't she look so proud of her baking skills?

Sometimes the best bakers in the world still make boxed mix cupcakes with their kids....
And love every minute of it! ;)


  1. This is way too cute! I love to bake with the kids. It is one of Marshall's favorite things to do.
    Thanks for the great postings!

  2. Ya know, homemade IS better, but yeah, don't knock the boxed cake mix! I wish I had one of those cupcakes to go with my morning coffee right now, they look really yummy! What a nice day you had!
