Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I think I'm going to throw up.
The lens to my camera is broken.
I have no idea what I did but it's not working and there's a loose noise inside
which can only mean it has gone to lens heaven.

So... I'll have to get my old point and shoot charged up for any future recipes I post until I can get a replacement lens.

I'm seriously going to throw up.


  1. Between your camera tragedy and the death of Alisha's hard drive, this has not been a great week for my friends, technically speaking. I am so sorry. I know the pictures you will take on any old camera will be fabulous. So...point and shoot away. You'll still show the rest of us up!

  2. Hi - just found your blog and left you a comment on another post but for some reason when I sign in for the comment it won't take my URL?? Not sure why. My email is leighannew31@comcast if you have any suggestions for me.

  3. Suzanne, i am sooo sorry to hear about your camera, but please don't throw up...

    i have trust in your picture taking abilities no matter what old camera you use....

  4. I am so sorry! I also just read about Alishia! I hope it all works out. My kids know that my most prized possession (wordly anyway) is my camera.

    I love all your photos though. I am sure you will do fine without it! Even though you may not want too...

  5. Hey Suzanne!

    just an FYI, my lens did the same thing last summer and I called Nikkon and shipped it, they fixed it for free and returned it, hopefully your camera's manufacturer will do the same.

    Good Luck!

  6. Chris! My camera is a Nikon! I will call them today. Lots of prayers ladies that they'll fix it for me!

  7. I was going to tell you what Chris did. A broken lens isn't necessarily a dead lens. Last summer my camera fell 3 feet onto a tile floor while on vacation and it had an L series lens on it at the time. It snapped off the camera, leaving parts of it connected to the camera still with wires hanging and such. I cried. And cried. And felt like I'd throw up too. I had insurance but that wasn't the point.

    Once home I sent the lens into Canon repair just to see if it was salvagable. I figured 'what the heck' it was a $1200 lens so it would be worth the repair even if it was 1/2 the price of the lens. They fixed it for $180!

    So....broke, not dead :) Hopefully your lens will be repairable too!
