Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back from New York

I'm back. I lost my camera and my wedding ring. :( :( :( This was my little point and shoot that I was using because the lens on my nice Nikon broke... so I'm going to try and sweet talk my husband into letting me buy a new lens ASAP.


  1. That stinks! I'm sorry. I would cry and cry if I lost my wedding ring.

  2. What the heck happened??? i am so sorry i cannot imagine how bummed you are. i just know you're on santa's good list this year! you're sure to get what you want!

  3. How did you lose your ring? I would be heartbroken if I lost mine! Glad you're home, but I WAS hoping you'd stop by here on your way back!

  4. Hopefully your ring turns up hidden in some corner of your luggage or something. What a crappy way to end a trip.

  5. OUCH! Hope that you can replace both ASAP.

  6. I'm so sorry! I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better. I lost the diamond in my ring once and that was pretty bad...so I know that losing the ring is aweful!! Take care!!

    Oh yeah...right after I got married my husband lost his wedding ring. It turned up a week later in my jeans pocket. It had fallen off while he was folding laundry.

  7. Thanks guys. I'm pretty broken up about it. We were in such a rush to get out of here last week that I didn't realize I didn't have it on my finger. I found it on the windowsill in the kitchen and just chucked it in the little zipper pouch of my camera bag saying I would put it on. And then I didn't.. and now my camera is missing. I've tried both hotels we stayed at and nada. I don't care about the stupid camera. I just want my ring back. :( I think they're both gone for good.

  8. Oh NO... I'm so sorry Suzanne.
    Keep doing some yoga breathing and reminding yourself they're just things (although I'd be totally bad at that).

  9. Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about your camera and ring! :-( I hope your camera, your camera bag and ring somehow turns up!!

  10. :-( Oh no! I'm sorry! I'd go crazy...hopefully a miracle will happen.

  11. Aw, that sucks big time! Sorry sweetie. Here's sending you good karma and the wish that it'll all work out in the end.

  12. Hi Squillen, a "belated" thanks for sending me a peamail about your blog. I don't know why but for some reason I could not see the blog names on yours or any others that week. All better now. I am so sorry about your ring and camera. Any luck finding them? I too am sending you some good Karma and thoughts to find them. Manateelover

  13. That really stinks. About two years ago I was on a trip and looked down to find the diamond missing from my ring. I burst into tears and Richard aked what was wrong. I told him and he just sat there stunned. He did not know what to say. Unfortunately for us, he has not been able to afford a replacement. Good luck to you. As one of the other commentors said, they are just things. I know it is hard to get to that, but I have had to remind myself of that often.
