Friday, April 13, 2012

Deb's Birthday Cake

My BFF Deb turned 50 in March. Her husband and kids threw her a surprise birthday party - that really wasn't a surprise to her because she's too observant and picked up and subtle things. lol.. but not once did she ever ask me if I was part of the planning. She probably didn't want to put me in an awkward situation where I'd have to lie to her (right, Deb?).

Anyway.. I was asked to make the cake for her birthday party. I kept trying to think of what I should do for the theme of the cake. I thought about the things she enjoys -- photography, horses, scrapbooking. Then I thought about what she does for a living -- a nurse. I thought I should just do a basic birthday cake but I couldn't do it. It had to be something special. Something one-of-a-kind. It couldn't be the same ol' for my friend.

So I thought about her favorite scrapbooking company - Basic Grey. I went to their website and searched through some of their recent paper lines and fell in LOVE with their "What's up?" papers and thought the design would transfer well to a cake.

Here are the papers I used for inspiration. Beautiful, right?

And here's how the cake turned out!


  1. Hey, good to see you posting again!

    Wanna move back here and I'll make sure you're invited to my next surprise party? ;)

    Seriously, you're amazing!

  2. wow - that's just great. Talking of birthday cake, you might like this Janet Evanovich quote Evanovich quote

  3. Oh, it is just gorgeous!! I would like a cake like this for my birthday...(in August..) :) You do great work! (lovemybabes 2 peas)

  4. LOL! I totally forgot you did a post on my cake! I just stopped by looking for a marinade recipe. It truly was a beautiful cake. I am blessed to have you as a friend!

  5. So Ruth finally caved in and shared your blog with me LOL... Spending hours enjoying your recipes and came across this one... Love love love Debs cake!!!!
