Thursday, April 24, 2014
.sweet corn tamale cake w/ grilled shrimp.
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7:38 PM
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
.seafood chowder.
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4:26 PM
Monday, November 25, 2013
.momma's apple pie.
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7:13 PM
Friday, November 22, 2013
Pre-Thanksgiving: Corn Pudding
2 Tbsp butter
1 small clove garlic, finely minced
1/4 tsp garlic powder
kosher salt and white pepper
1 cup cream
1 small can diced green chiles
1 small onion, chopped
2 eggs
1 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup cornmeal
1/4 cup butter, melted
Put 2 Tbsp butter in a heated skillet. When melted and bubbly, add garlic, HALF of the fresh corn and onion. Saute. While that's cooking, put the rest of the corn in a blender with the cream. Blitz until the corn starts moving around. Don't over-blitz!
Sprinkle the corn, onion, and garlic with some salt, white pepper, and garlic powder. Add the can of diced green chiles. Keep sauteing until the onion becomes translucent.
Add the creamed corn and mix in. Cook until it's heated through and bubbling. Pour into a mixing bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well to incorporate. Pour into a casserole dish. Place your 9x13 casserole dish in another pan and add hot water to the larger pan (don't put it in the corn pudding! We're going to steam it!). Cover both pans together with foil so the steam will cook the pudding. Place in a 350* oven and bake for 1 hour. Serve immediately.
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12:02 AM
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Pre-Thanksgiving: Sausage Sage Stuffing
I'm having to reuse my Thanksgiving plate image again because I never got a picture of the stuffing all by itself. Stuffing vs. Dressing. It doesn't matter to me. "It's allll good!" said in my very best Southern accent. Love the stuff. Probably my most favorite thing ever! Wouldn't you agree?
I always stuff my bird. I know there are skeptics out there, but I have never (and I repeat "NEVER") gotten sick, or gotten anyone else sick. There are a couple important tips to know about stuffing your turkey, though:
RULE #1: NEVER stuff until just before you're ready to put the turkey in the oven.
RULE #2: Wait until just before stuffing to mix all your ingredients together.
Because turkey takes such a long time to roast, I always get all of my stuffing ingredients prepped the night before, so all I have to do is mix things together in the morning, stuff, and pop in the oven. Works out perfectly. I also stuff the neck cavity and use needle and string or skewers to tack the flap down to hold it all in place.
Here's my recipe for sausage sage stuffing.
2 bags bread cubes for stuffing (I like the kind that has white and wheat)
1 tube sage sausage
1 large onion, diced
1 1/2 cups carrots, finely diced
1 1/2 cups celery, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tsp sage
1/2 tsp thyme
approx. 3 cups chicken broth or turkey broth
Cook the sausage in a skillet using a spatula to break apart the sausage. Set aside.
Heat a little oil or butter in a skillet and saute the garlic, onion, carrots, and celery until onion becomes translucent. (I like to add 1 1/2 cups sliced mushrooms to the saute, too but if you don't like mushrooms, leave them out.)
*The sausage and veggies can be cooked the night before so everything's ready to go in the morning when you stuff your turkey.
In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together. Drizzle some broth around the top and mix around. Stuff the neck and body cavities of your turkey and stitch up so nothing falls out. Put your turkey in the oven immediately. Don't let this sit around or you could contaminate your turkey and stuffing with bad bacteria.
With the leftover stuffing, wet more with broth and put in a casserole dish. Put in the fridge until you're ready to put it in the oven. Bake approx. 1 hour or until nice and hot.
We mix the stuffing from the casserole dish with the bit that comes out of the turkey. Serve hot.
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5:57 PM
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Holiday Craft Project! JOY SIGN
Don't judge.
My house is already decorated for Christmas. :D
I started a pie business earlier this year and it's kept me so busy all summer long. I sold at our local farmers market twice a week and now we're going into the winter market. Plus, Thanksgiving has me loaded up with orders and then we have Christmas! Craziness. I had a slow week and figured I better get the decorating done now otherwise I might not have the energy (or time) to do it later.
The decorations I have, I've had for quite some years. My husband and I will be celebrating our 22nd wedding anniversary in January and while our decorations aren't quite THAT old, I was feeling like I needed some new stuff - or even arrange things differently.
I decided to hit Pinterest for inspiration. If you want to follow me, check it out. :) I found some super cute DIY ideas but one I really liked was this wood plank "BELIEVE" sign. I changed it up to make it my own and am very happy with the results.
Here's how it turned out!
It took me two days to get it done, but I could have probably gotten it finished in one had I started earlier and if my nail gun hadn't gotten jammed, and if I had wood glue on hand. So, hoping you don't have any of those problems, this should be very easy for you to make!
First you want to paint your entire board RED. I bought little quart cans of paint at Lowe's - one red, one cream, and one grey. I'm going to have this paint forever because you don't use much at all. Let the red paint dry.
Now here's where I would do this differently. I made my letters on Photoshop and printed onto regular paper. Not a good idea. I would print out, then cut them out of vinyl or something that won't go weird when coated with 3-4 layers of paint. (oops!) Take the cut out letters and spray the back side with a spray adhesive. Carefully lay your letters down the center of your board and rub the edges well so everything is good and stuck on.
Next, paint the entire board CREAM! Go ahead and roller right over those letters. We're doing a resistance technique and those letters will stay red - don't you worry about that. You'll need to let the first coat of cream dry completely and then put on a 2nd coat. Let that dry completely.
If all your paint is dry, then you can move onto the next step.
Use extra wide (2 inch? I can't be certain how wide mine was) blue painter's tape. Make a diagonal stripe, then put a 2nd strip of tape on that so you get wide stripes. I didn't measure at all - just eyeballed it, but if you want to make sure it's perfect, measure and then tape. Leave equal sized gaps between your painter tape stripes so you get the candy cane effect. Once you have the tape done, then paint all those white gaps grey. Again, you might need to do one or two coats, depending on how dark you want the color.
Don't leave your tape on very long. Once you're done painting, go ahead and pull it off to reveal your stripes. Let dry completely!! When everything is 100% DRY, carefully pull up your letters! I had a bugger of a time pulling off my paper, but if you USE VINYL (please use vinyl) they should come up in one piece. You will probably have to touch up your letters a little bit with some more red paint. Dry.
Now that everything is painted, you can begin sanding to give it more of a rustic look. I didn't sand the entire thing. I did spots here and there with 180 grit sandpaper. Wipe with a tack cloth and let dry.
While things are drying, you can paint your trim moulding (if you want to use moulding). I used the same red as the letters. Use a miter saw to cut your edges at a 45* angle and then nail or glue down. Use painter's tape to hold things in place while it dries. Once it's all dry (lots of drying, right?), you can distress the moulding a little with that sandpaper. Wipe with tack cloth.
At Lowe's you can buy a little bottle of something called Antiquing Glaze. It's in the paint department. Wet a rag or a paper towel and put some of that antiquing glaze on your rag. Make sure you're wearing gloves or something because you don't want to give your hands that antique look. lol Start rubbing all over the surface of your sign. Use a dry rag to wipe some off if it's too dark. Work until you have a look you want. Dry.
Polyurethane that baby to death since it'll be outside (maybe?) and exposed to the elements. Let dry between each layer and voila! ALL DONE!!!! If you have any questions as to how to complete any of the steps I listed above, leave me a comment! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Posted by
7:39 AM
Friday, November 8, 2013
Pre-Thanksgiving: Roasted Green Beans
5-6 slices thick cut bacon, chopped
2-3 shallots, sliced
2 cups mushrooms, sliced
olive oil
Kosher salt and pepper
Fry up the bacon and drain on paper towels. Put all ingredients in a mixing bowl and toss well to coat the beans with some olive oil. Spread on a cookie sheet and roast at 350* until the green beans are cooked through. Spoon into a serving dish. Eat warm.
**NOTE: If you're roasting the turkey and making sides (including this one), put all of the sides in once the turkey has cooked. I said in my last Pre-Turkey Dinner post to let your turkey rest for at least 30 minutes. Well, you'll probably need 45 minutes to an hour for these which is fine. Just put some foil on your turkey and keep it on the stovetop so it stays warm. Trust me -- even after an hour, the turkey is still hot but won't burn your fingers when you go to carve it. Enjoy!
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1:54 PM